Computer Graphics and Visualization Publications

Publications in 2024
Pierre Ambrosini, Sara Azizian Amiri, Eliane Zeestraten, Tessa van Ginhoven, Ricardo Marroquim, Theo van Walsum
International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, Volume 19, page 723--733 - mar 2024

Erik Blokland, Caroline Cullinan, Doreen Mulder, Willie Overman, Marin Visscher, Amir Zaidi, Rafael Bidarra
Journal of Interactive Narrative, Volume 1, Number 1, page 3 - May 2024

IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics - 2024

Amal Dev Parakkat, Stefan Ohrhallinger, Elmar Eisemann, Pooran Memari
Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. of Eurographics), Volume 43, Number 2 - 2024

Nicolas Chaves de Plaza, Mathijs Molenaar, Prerak P. Mody, Marius Staring, René van Egmond, Elmar Eisemann, Anna Vilanova, Klaus Hildebrandt
Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. of EuroVis) - 2024

Pál Patrik Varga, Rafael Bidarra
Entertainment Computing - ICEC 2024, Proceedings of the International Conference on Entertainment Computing, page 1-11 - Sep 2024

Martin Skrodzki, Scott Jochems, Joris Rijsdijk, Ravi Snellenberg, Rafael Bidarra
Proceedings of Web3D - 29th International ACM Conference on 3D Web Technology - Sep 2024

Rolf Piepenbrink, Rafael Bidarra
Technical Report CGV-24-1, Delft University of Technology, Number CGV-24-1 - May 2024

Nicolas Chaves de Plaza, Prerak P. Mody, Marius Staring, René van Egmond, Anna Vilanova, Klaus Hildebrandt
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics - 2024

Prerak P. Mody, Merle Huiskes, Nicolas Chaves de Plaza, Alice Onderwater, Rense Lamsma, Klaus Hildebrandt, Nienke Hoekstra, Eleftheria Astreinidou, Marius Staring, Frank Dankers
Physics and Imaging in Radiation Oncology - 2024

Alexander Vieth, Thomas Kroes, Julian Thijssen, Baldur van Lew, Jeroen Eggermont, Soumyadeep Basu, Elmar Eisemann, Anna Vilanova, Thomas Höllt, Boudewijn P.F. Lelieveldt
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Volume 30, Number 2 - 2024

Shaad Alaka, Rafael Bidarra
Proceedings of PCG 2024 - Workshop on Procedural Content Generation for Games, page 1-8 - 2024

Xuejiao Luo, Vera Hoveling, Elmar Eisemann
The International Symposium on Vision, Modeling, and Visualization 2024 - 2024

Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. Eurographics), Volume 43, Number 2 - 2024

Martin Starkov, Scott Jochems, Joris Rijsdijk, Ravi Snellenberg, Luca Stoffels, Amir Zaidi, Rafael Bidarra
Proceedings of CoG 2024 - IEEE Conference on Games, page 1--8 - Aug 2024
Publications in 2023

Mark Bekooy, Dan Dan Berendsen, Martin Dierikx, Rolf Piepenbrink, Jan-Willem van Rhenen, Rafael Bidarra
Interactive Storytelling: International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling - Nov 2023

Yimin Zhou, Merlijn Mac Gillavry, Pengzhi Yang, Zihao Xu, Baitian Zhang, Rafael Bidarra
Games and Learning Alliance - Dec 2023

Nicholas L. Jorstad, Janet H. T. Song, David Exposito-Alonso, Hamsini Suresh, Nathan Castro-Pacheco, Fenna M. Krienen, Anna Marie Yanny, Jennie Close, Brian Long, Stephanie C. Seeman, Kyle J. Travaglini, Soumyadeep Basu, Marc Beaudin, Darren Bertagnolli, Megan Crow, Song-Lin Ding, Jeroen Eggermont, Alexandra Glandon, Jeff Goldy, Thomas Kroes, Delissa McMillen, Thanh Pham, Christine Rimorin, Kimberly Siletti, Saroja Somasundaram, Michael Tieu, Amy Torkelson, Guoping Feng, Guoping Hopkins, Thomas Höllt, Dirk Keene, Sten Linnarsson, Steven A. McCarroll, Boudewijn P.F. Lelieveldt, Chet C. Sherwood, Kimberly Smith, Christopher A. Walsh, Alexander Dobin, Jesse Gillis, Ed Lein, Rebecca Hodge, Trygve Bakken
Science, Volume 382, page eade9516 - 2023