Harteveld's Publications with Computer Graphics and Visualization

Publications in 2013
Aida Azadegan, Jannicke Balsruud Hauge, Francesco Bellotti, Riccardo Berta, Rafael Bidarra, Casper Harteveld, Johann Riedel, Ioana Stanescu
Proceedings of GaLA 2013 - 2nd Games and Learning Alliance International Conference - oct 2013
Publications in 2010
Casper Harteveld, Rui Guimaraes, Igor Mayer, Rafael Bidarra
Simulation and Gaming, Volume 41, Number 3, page 316--340 - 2010
Publications in 2007
Casper Harteveld, Rui Guimaraes, Igor Mayer, Rafael Bidarra
Technologies for E-Learning and Digital Entertainment, LNCS 4469 - Proceedings of Edutainment 2007, page 128--139 - jun 2007

Casper Harteveld, Rafael Bidarra
Proceedings of LG07 - Learning with Games conference, page 555--562 - sep 2007