Malan's Publications with Computer Graphics and Visualization
Publications in 2016
A fluoroscopy-based planning and guidance software tool for minimally invasive hip refixation by cement injection

International journal of computer assisted radiology and surgery, Volume 11, Number 2, page 281--296 - 2016
Publications in 2014
Percutaneous bone cement refixation of aseptically loose hip prostheses: the effect of interface tissue removal on injected cement volumes

Skeletal Radiology: journal of radiology, pathology and orthopedics, Volume 43, page 1537-1542 - 2014
Publications in 2013
Voxel classification and graph cuts for automated segmentation of pathological periprosthetic hip anatomy

International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, Volume 8, Number 1, page 63--74 - jan 2013
Publications in 2012
Comparison of Ho:YAG laser and coblation for interface tissue removal in minimally invasive hip refixation procedures

Medical Engineering & Physics, Volume 34, Number 3, page 370--377 - apr 2012
3D NordOst Workshop, Volume 15, page 47--56 - dec 2012
Skeletal Radiology, Volume 41, Number 5, page 547--555 - May 2012
Publications in 2010
Voxel classification of periprosthetic tissues in clinical computed tomography of loosened hip prostheses

Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, 2010 IEEE International Symposium on, page 1341--1344 - Apr 2010
Publications in 2005
Proceedings of the 5th IAA Symposium on Small Satellites for Earth Observation, page 161--168 - Apr 2005
8 publications