Computer Graphics and Visualization Publications
Publications in 2010
International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM 18), 1-7 May 2010, Stockholm, Sweden - 2010
PhD thesis from Delft University of Technology - June 2010
Computer Graphics Forum, Volume 29, Number 3 - 2010
PhD thesis from Delft University of Technology - June 2010
Voxel classification of periprosthetic tissues in clinical computed tomography of loosened hip prostheses

Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, 2010 IEEE International Symposium on, page 1341--1344 - Apr 2010
WEBIST - 2010
Publications in 2009
Proceedings of IMAGE 2009 - jul 2009
MICCAI Workshop on Diffusion Modelling, page 161--172 - 2009
A note on medieval microfabrication: the visualization of a prayer nut by synchrotron-based computer x-ray tomography

Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, Volume 16 - 2009
Intel Visual Computing Research Conference - 2009
Motion in Games, LNCS 5884, Proceedings of MIG'09 - 2nd International Workshop on Motion in Games, page 146--157 - nov 2009
A statistical approach to the life cycle analysis of cumulus clouds selected in a virtual reality environment

Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, Volume 114, Number D6 - 2009
Proceedings of the CASA'09 Workshop on 3D Advanced Media in Gaming and Simulation, page 25--34 - jun 2009
ACM Trans. Graph. (Proc. of SIGGRAPH), Volume 28, page 83:1--83:8 - July 2009
Visualization and processing of tensor fields : advances and perspectives, Springer, page 113--136 - 2009
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, Volume 28, Number 8, page 1223--1230 - 2009
Technical Sketch at SIGGRAPH - August 2009
Intel Visual Computing Research Conference - 2009
ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2009 Courses - 2009
Motion in Games, LNCS 5884, Proceedings of MIG'09 - 2nd International Workshop on Motion in Games, page 1--12 - nov 2009