Diffusion MRI visualization

NMR in Biomedicine, page e3902--n/a - January 2018
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Modern diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI) acquires intricate volume datasets and biological meaning can only be found in the relationship between its different measurements. Suitable strategies for visualizing these complicated data have been key to interpretation by physicians and neuroscientists, for drawing conclusions on brain connectivity and for quality control. This article provides an overview of visualization solutions that have been proposed to date, ranging from basic grayscale and color encodings to glyph representations and renderings of fiber tractography. A particular focus is on ongoing and possible future developments in dMRI visualization, including comparative, uncertainty, interactive and dense visualizations.

Images and movies


See also

The publication can be found here: http://rdcu.be/IOR9/

BibTex references

@Article { SV18,
  author       = "Schultz, Thomas and Vilanova, Anna",
  title        = "Diffusion MRI visualization",
  journal      = "NMR in Biomedicine",
  pages        = "e3902--n/a",
  month        = "January",
  year         = "2018",
  note         = "e3902 NBM-16-0157.R2",
  keywords     = "diffusion MRI, diffusion tensor, tractography, visualization",
  url          = "http://graphics.tudelft.nl/Publications-new/2018/SV18"

Other publications in the database

» Thomas Schultz
» Anna Vilanova
