A semantic foundation for mixed-initiative computational storytelling

Interactive Storytelling: 8th International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling, Number LNCS 9445, page 162--169 - 2015
Download the publication : Interactive.Storytelling.ICIDS2015.pdf [287Ko]  
In mixed-initiative computational storytelling, stories are authored using a given vocabulary that must be understood by both author and computer. In practice, this vocabulary is manually authored ad-hoc, and prone to errors and consistency problems. What is missing is a generic, rich semantic vocabulary that is reusable in different applications and effectively supportive of advanced narrative reasoning and generation. We propose the integration of lexical semantics and commonsense knowledge and we present GluNet, a flexible, open-source, and generic knowledge-base that seamlessly integrates a variety of lexical databases and facilitates commonsense reasoning. Advantages of this approach are illustrated by means of two prototype applications, which make extensive use of the GluNet vocabulary to reason about and manipulate a coauthored narrative. GluNet aims to promote interoperability of narrative generation systems and sharing corpus data between fields of computational narrative.

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BibTex references

@InProceedings { KB15,
  author       = "Kybartas, Ben and Bidarra, Rafael",
  title        = "A semantic foundation for mixed-initiative computational storytelling",
  booktitle    = "Interactive Storytelling: 8th International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling",
  number       = "LNCS 9445",
  pages        = "162--169",
  year         = "2015",
  editor       = "Schoenau-Fog, Henrik and Bruni, Emilio Luis and Louchart, Sandy and Baceviciute, Sarune",
  publisher    = "Springer International Publishing",
  url          = "http://graphics.tudelft.nl/Publications-new/2015/KB15"

Other publications in the database

» Ben Kybartas
» Rafael Bidarra
