A ray tracing method for geodesic based tractography in diffusion tensor images

N. Sepasian, Anna Vilanova, L.M.J. Florack, B.M. ter Haar Romeny
2008 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPR Workshops 2008, Anchorage AK, USA, June 23-28, 2008), page 4563002--1/6 - 2008
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We present multi-valued solution algorithm for geodesic-based fiber tracking in a tensor-warped space given by diffusion tensor imaging data. This technique is based on solving ordinary differential equations describing geodesics by a ray tracing algorithm. The algorithm can capture all possible geodesics connecting two given points instead of a single geodesic captured by Hamilton-Jacobi based algorithms. Once the geodesics have been computed, using suitable connectivity measures, we can choose among all solutions the most likely connection pathways which correspond best to the underlying real fibrous structures. In comparison with other approaches, our algorithm gives the possibility of applying different cost functions in a fast postprocessing. Moreover, the algorithm can be used for capturing possible multi-path connections between two points that can happen when, e.g., pathologies are presented. Synthetic second order diffusion tensor data in a two dimensional space are employed to illustrate the potential applications of the algorithm to fiber tracking.

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BibTex references

@InProceedings { SVFH08,
  author       = "Sepasian, N. and Vilanova, Anna and Florack, L.M.J. and Haar Romeny, B.M. ter",
  title        = "A ray tracing method for geodesic based tractography in diffusion tensor images",
  booktitle    = "2008 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPR Workshops
                  2008, Anchorage AK, USA, June 23-28, 2008)",
  pages        = "4563002--1/6",
  year         = "2008",
  publisher    = "IEEE",
  address      = "Piscataway NJ",
  note         = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/CVPRW.2008.4563002",
  url          = "http://graphics.tudelft.nl/Publications-new/2008/SVFH08"

Other publications in the database

» N. Sepasian
» Anna Vilanova
» L.M.J. Florack
» B.M. ter Haar Romeny
