Mirrored LH histograms for the visualization of material boundaries

P. Sereda, F.A. Gerritsen, Anna Vilanova
Vision, modeling, and visualization 2006 : proceedings, November 22 - 24, 2006, Aachen, Germany ; [11th International Workshop Vision, Modeling, and Visualization - VMV 2006], page 237--244 - 2006
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The quality of direct volume rendering is strongly influenced by the transfer function. The purpose of the transfer function is to highlight aspects of the volume data that are of interest to the user. Material boundaries are often regarded as interesting, since they reveal the shapes of objects and their spatial relations. We use a new transfer function domain that fa- cilitates the selection of material boundaries in the volumetric data sets. Our domain enables to dis- tinguish between both sides of the boundary. By reducing the partial volume effect on the boundary, we are able to easily assign optical properties to ob- jects and their boundaries.

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BibTex references

@InProceedings { SGV06,
  author       = "Sereda, P. and Gerritsen, F.A. and Vilanova, Anna",
  title        = "Mirrored LH histograms for the visualization of material boundaries",
  booktitle    = "Vision, modeling, and visualization 2006 : proceedings, November 22 - 24, 2006, Aachen, Germany ; [11th
                  International Workshop Vision, Modeling, and Visualization - VMV 2006]",
  pages        = "237--244",
  year         = "2006",
  editor       = "Kobbelt,L. and Kuhlen,T.",
  publisher    = "AKA",
  address      = "Berlin",
  note         = "VMV 2006 : International Workshop Vision, Modeling, and Visualization ; 11 (Aachen) : 2006.11.22-24, url: http://yp.wtb.tue.nl/pdfs/7022.pdf",
  url          = "http://graphics.tudelft.nl/Publications-new/2006/SGV06"

Other publications in the database

» P. Sereda
» F.A. Gerritsen
» Anna Vilanova
