![]() | Automatic Contour Detection in Short-Axis Cardiac Cine {MR} Data | ![]() |
Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, Volume 7, Number 1, page 323-324 - 2005
Short-axis cine cardiac MRI acquisitions usually consist of 15-25 phases at 10-15 slices (150-375 images) that are approximately perpendicular to the long axis of the heart. Segmentation of left ventricle, right ventricle and myocardium is required for quantification and diagnosis of the cardiac function. Current automatic segmentation methods usually ignore anatomical knowledge and already defined contours in adjacent images. Besides this, currently applied methods do not provide adequate contours in the presence of papillary muscles or trabeculae, requiring elaborate interaction of a skilled user.
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BibTex references
@Article { HLBVG05a, author = "Hautvast, G.L.T.F. and Lobregt, S. and Breeuwer, Marcel and Vilanova, Anna and Gerritsen, F.A.", title = "Automatic Contour Detection in Short-Axis Cardiac Cine {MR} Data", journal = "Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance", number = "1", volume = "7", pages = "323-324", year = "2005", note = "Notehttp://w3.bmt.tue.nl/nl/mensenbmt/?\&script=showNote.php\&outid=5178", url = "http://graphics.tudelft.nl/Publications-new/2005/HLBVG05a" }