Virtual Dissection and Automated Polyp Detection of the Colon Based on Spiral {CT} - Techniques and Preliminary Experience on Cadaveric Phantom |
European Surgery, Volume 34, Number 2, page 143--150 - 2002
BibTex references
@Article { SWBPNR02, author = "Sorantin, E. and Werkgartner, G. and Balogh, E. and Vilanova, Anna and Palagyi, K. and Nyul, L. G. and Rusko, L.", title = "Virtual Dissection and Automated Polyp Detection of the Colon Based on Spiral {CT} - Techniques and Preliminary Experience on Cadaveric Phantom", journal = "European Surgery", number = "2", volume = "34", pages = "143--150", year = "2002", url = "" }