Computer Graphics and Visualization Publications

Publications in 2011
Lionel Baboud, Martin Cadik, Elmar Eisemann, Hans-Peter Seidel
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), oral presentation - 2011

Oliver Klehm, Tobias Ritschel, Elmar Eisemann, Hans-Peter Seidel
Vision, Modeling and Visualization Workshop - 2011

International Journal of Biomedical Imaging, Volume 2011, page 698908--1/12 - 2011

Lingxiao Zhao
PhD thesis from Delft University of Technology - March 2011

IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Volume 17, Number 10, page 1407--1419 - 2011

Tim Tutenel, Ruben M. Smelik, Ricardo Lopes, Klaas Jan de Kraker, Rafael Bidarra
IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in Games, Volume 3, Number 3, page 274--288 - 2011

IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Volume 17, Number 5, page 612--625 - 2011

Casper van Est, Rafael Bidarra
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications - GRAPP 2011 - mar 2011

Stef Busking, Charl P. Botha, Luca Ferrarini, Julien Milles, Frits H. Post
The Visual Computer, Volume 27 - 2011

Thomas Kroes, Frits H. Post, Charl P. Botha
Technical Report 2011-11, Delft University of Technology, Number 2011-11 - 2011

Cyril Crassin, Fabrice Neyret, Miguel Sainz, Simon Green, Elmar Eisemann
Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. of Pacific Graphics) - aug 2011

Cyril Crassin, Fabrice Neyret, Simon Green, Miguel Sainz, Elmar Eisemann
Best Research Award - Poster at I3D - 2011

R.F.P. van Pelt, Javier Olivan Bescos, Marcel Breeuwer, R.E. Clough, Meister Eduard Groeller, B.M. ter Haar Romeny, Anna Vilanova
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Volume 17, Number 12, page 2153--2162 - 2011

Martin Sunkel, Silke Jansen, Michael Wand, Elmar Eisemann, Hans-Peter Seidel
Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. Eurographics), Volume 30, Number 2 - April 2011

Tobias Ritschel, Elmar Eisemann, Inwoo Ha, James D. K. Kim, Hans-Peter Seidel
Computer Graphics Forum (presented at EGSR) - 2011

Matthias Hollaender, Tobias Ritschel, Elmar Eisemann, Tamy Boubekeur
Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of EGSR) - 2011

Francesco Banterle, Alessandro Artusi, Elmar Eisemann, Diego Guitierrez, Karol Myszkowski, Tunc Aydin, Rafal Matiuk, Piotr Didyk
ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2011 Courses - dec 2011

Sandy Brand, Rafael Bidarra
Motion in Games. LNCS 7060, Proceedings of MIG'11 - 3rd International Workshop on Motion in Games, page 290-303 - nov 2011