Computer Graphics and Visualization Publications

Publications in 1996
Unknown Author
ASCI'96 - Proceedings of the the second annual conference of the Advanced School for Computing and Imaging - June 1996

K.J. Zuiderveld, P.M.A. van Ooijen, J.W.C. Chin-a-Woeng, P.C. Buijs, M. Olree, Frits H. Post
Proceedings Visualization `96 - 1996

Theo van Walsum, Frits H. Post, D. Silver, Frits H. Post
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Volume 2(2) - June 1996

Willem F. Bronsvoort, Rafael Bidarra, Winfried van Holland, Klaas Jan de Kraker, Maurice Dohmen
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Tools and Methods for Concurrent Engineering, page 46--55 - may 1996

K.J. Zuiderveld, J.W.C. Chin-a-Woeng, P.M.A. van Ooijen, Frits H. Post
- 1996

Rafael Bidarra, Willem F. Bronsvoort
Proceedings of 29th International Symposium on Automotive Technology and Automation;Dedicated Conference on Mechatronics - Advanced Development Methods and Systems for Automotive Products, page 99--108 - jun 1996

W.C. de Leeuw, Frits H. Post, R. Vaatstra
Virtual Environments and Scientific Visualization `96, Proceedings of the Eurographics Workshops - 1996
Publications in 1995
Unknown Author
Visualization in Scientific Computing - 1995

Unknown Author
Proceedings Visualization `95 - 1995

W.C. de Leeuw, Frits H. Post
- 1995

H.G. Pagendarm, Frits H. Post
- 1995

W.C. de Leeuw, Jarke J. van Wijk
- 1995

Unknown Author
, Volume 14(3) - August 1995

Frits H. Post, Theo van Walsum, Frits H. Post, D. Silver
- 1995

Theo van Walsum
PhD thesis from Delft University of Technology - December 1995

W.C. de Leeuw, H.G. Pagendarm, Frits H. Post, B. Walter
Visualization in Scientific Computing `95, Proceedings of the Eurographics Workshop in Chia, Italy - May 1995

Ari Sadarjoen, W.C. de Leeuw, Frits H. Post
Proceedings CSN'95 - 1995
Publications in 1994
Unknown Author
Scientific Visualization: Advances and Challenges - 1994