How much Tetris can Wave Function Collapse put up with?

Rolf Piepenbrink, Rafael Bidarra
Technical Report CGV-24-1, Delft University of Technology, Number CGV-24-1 - May 2024
Download the publication : FDG24.Rolf.demo.Final.pdf [498Ko]  

BibTex references

@TechReport { PB24,
  author       = "Piepenbrink, Rolf and Bidarra, Rafael",
  title        = "How much Tetris can Wave Function Collapse put up with?",
  institution  = "Delft University of Technology",
  number       = "CGV-24-1",
  month        = "May",
  year         = "2024",
  address      = "Delft, The Netherlands",
  keywords     = "wave function collapse, procedural content generation, constraint programming",
  url          = ""

Other publications in the database

» Rolf Piepenbrink
» Rafael Bidarra
