Wooden Mathematics -- Making abstraction tangible

Milena Damrau, Martin Skrodzki, Nicholas Bruscia, Aaron Fenyes, Teresa Hunyadi, Dave Murray-Rust
Between Science and Art - 2022
Download the publication : 2022_DSBFHM_WoodenMathematics.pdf [6.2Mo]  
Wooden artworks can be found throughout all art historical periods. Yet, they are scarcely found in the realm of mathematical art. The introductory article of this collection briefly presents the contributors and the structure of their contributions. In the following, each article exemplifies the interaction of wood as both an artistic medium and a means for the illustration of mathematical content.

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BibTex references

@Article { DSBFHM22,
  author       = "Damrau, Milena and Skrodzki, Martin and Bruscia, Nicholas and Fenyes, Aaron and Hunyadi, Teresa and
                  Murray-Rust, Dave",
  title        = "Wooden Mathematics -- Making abstraction tangible",
  journal      = "Between Science and Art",
  year         = "2022",
  url          = "http://graphics.tudelft.nl/Publications-new/2022/DSBFHM22"

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