Directed Acyclic Graph Encoding for Compressed Shadow Maps

High Performance Graphics - 2021
Download the publication : DAG_MH.pdf [7.1Mo]   SE21.pptx [54.9Mo]  
Detailed shadows in large-scale environments are challenging. Our approach enables efficient detailed shadow computations for static environments at a low memory cost. It builds upon compressed precomputed multiresolution hierarchies but uses a directed acyclic graph to encode its tree structure. Further, depth values are compressed and stored separately and we use a bit-plane encoding for the lower tree levels entries in order to further reduce memory requirements and increase locality. We achieve between 20% to 50% improved compression rates, while retaining high performance.

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BibTex references

@InProceedings { SE21,
  author       = "Scandolo, Leonardo and Eisemann, Elmar",
  title        = "Directed Acyclic Graph Encoding for Compressed Shadow Maps",
  booktitle    = "High Performance Graphics",
  year         = "2021",
  organization = "ACM",
  url          = ""

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