Parallel Image Segmentation Using Reduction-Sweeps On Multicore Processors and GPUs

Renato Farias, Ricardo Farias, Ricardo Marroquim, Esteban Clua
2013 XXVI Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Image, page 139--146 - 2013
Download the publication : farias-sibgrapi2013.pdf [606Ko]  
In this paper we introduce the Reduction Sweep algorithm, a novel graph-based image segmentation algorithm that is designed for easy parallelization. It is based on a clustering approach focusing on local image characteristics. Each pixel is compared with its neighbors in an implicitly independent manner, and those deemed sufficiently similar according to a color criterion are joined. We achieve fast execution times while still maintaining the visual quality of the results. The algorithm is presented in four different implementations: sequential CPU, parallel CPU, GPU, and hybrid CPU-GPU. We compare the execution times of the four versions with each other and with other closely related image segmentation algorithms.

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BibTex references

@InProceedings { FFMC13,
  author       = "Farias, Renato and Farias, Ricardo and Marroquim, Ricardo and Clua, Esteban",
  title        = "Parallel Image Segmentation Using Reduction-Sweeps On Multicore Processors and GPUs",
  booktitle    = "2013 XXVI Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Image",
  pages        = "139--146",
  year         = "2013",
  note         = "",
  url          = ""

Other publications in the database

» Ricardo Farias
» Ricardo Marroquim
» Esteban Clua
