IC Wall: a Calibrated Stereo Tiled Display from Commodity Components

Tom van der Schaaf, Michal Koutek, D. Germans, Henri Bal
VRCIA 2006 (ACM International Conference on Virtual Rality Continuum and its Applications - June 2006
Download the publication : VKGB06a.pdf [2.8Mo]  
Recent developments in the fields of parallel rendering and high resolution tiled displays have made it possible to apply these technologies to build large and scalable stereo displays for use in Virtual Reality applications. This paper presents the implementation of a high-resolution stereo tiled display (2x8 tiles), built from low-cost commodity components. Among the problems that arise when building such a system, the most challenging is multi-projector alignment and calibration. We describe our method of aligning the left and right-eye projectors using an automatic approach rather than the time consuming alignment of the projectors by hand. We compare two implementations of this method: a single-pass and a two-pass rendering method to adjust projector images for alignment of the tiles. We demonstrate such a stereo-calibrated tiled display in action and we present recommendations for using this system to overcome remaining issues.

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BibTex references

@InProceedings { VKGB06a,
  author       = "Schaaf, Tom van der and Koutek, Michal and Germans, D. and Bal, Henri",
  title        = "IC Wall: a Calibrated Stereo Tiled Display from Commodity Components",
  booktitle    = "VRCIA 2006 (ACM International Conference on Virtual Rality Continuum and its Applications",
  month        = "June",
  year         = "2006",
  note         = "289-296",
  url          = "http://graphics.tudelft.nl/Publications-new/2006/VKGB06a"

Other publications in the database

» Tom van der Schaaf
» Michal Koutek
» Henri Bal
