Navigation and interaction in a multi-scale stereoscopic environment

E. Houtgast, O. Pfeiffer, Z. Wartell, W. Ribarsky, Frits H. Post
Proc. IEEE Virtual Reality 2005 - March 2005
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This poster explores navigation, interaction and stereoscopic display in a multi-scale virtual space. When interaction, especially two-handed, direct manipulation, is combined with stereoscopic stationary displays, there are trade-offs that must be considered. This poster gives an overview of these design issues and briefly describes our current multi-scale, application for exploring volumetric weather in its geospatial context in a VR system. The general importance of recognizing and using defined areas of user focus and of semi-automatically bringing these areas into the optimal interaction volume of the display system is described.

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BibTex references

@InProceedings { HPWRP05a,
  author       = "Houtgast, E. and Pfeiffer, O. and Wartell, Z. and Ribarsky, W. and Post, Frits H.",
  title        = "Navigation and interaction in a multi-scale stereoscopic environment",
  booktitle    = "Proc. IEEE Virtual Reality 2005",
  month        = "March",
  year         = "2005",
  editor       = "B. Fr{\"o}hlich and S. Julier and H. Takemura",
  publisher    = "IEEE Computer Society Press",
  note         = "275--276",
  url          = ""

Other publications in the database

» W. Ribarsky
» Frits H. Post
