A review of technical advances in virtual colonoscopy

F.M. Vos, I.W.O. Serlie, R.E. van Gelder, H.A. Vrooman, Frits H. Post
Proceedings of MedInfo2001 - September 2001
Download the publication : VSGVP01a.pdf [973Ko]  
Early detection of polyps has proven to lead to a decrease in incidence of colon cancer. In the past few years, virtual colonoscopy has been developed as a patient-friendly screening technique. The procedure comprises the following steps. First, the patient's colon is cleansed and transanally inflated with air. Subsequently, a 3D image volume is acquired of the abdomen by CT or MRI. Finally, the bowel surface is extracted and visualized, after which the physician virtually navigates through the colon and examines the surface for abnormalities. This paper describes the progress in research for virtual colonoscopy.

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BibTex references

@InProceedings { VSGVP01a,
  author       = "Vos, F.M. and Serlie, I.W.O. and Gelder, R.E. van and Vrooman, H.A. and Post, Frits H.",
  title        = "A review of technical advances in virtual colonoscopy",
  booktitle    = "Proceedings of MedInfo2001",
  month        = "September",
  year         = "2001",
  note         = "Accepted, to appear.",
  url          = "http://graphics.tudelft.nl/Publications-new/2001/VSGVP01a"

Other publications in the database

» F.M. Vos
» I.W.O. Serlie
» R.E. van Gelder
» Frits H. Post
