Extraction and Visualization of Geometries in Fluid Flow Fields

Ari Sadarjoen
PhD thesis from Delft University of Technology - April 1999
Download the publication : SA99a.PDF [11.5Mo]  
In modem times, scientific research and engineering practice increasingly employ computer simulations and automatic measurements, which result in large amounts of numbers. Simulations are performed by scientists for modelling complex physical phenomena, about which they try to get a better understanding. Simulations are also performed by engineers who want to test and improve their designs, without having to build costly prototypes or scale models. Measurements are often taken in large amounts by satellites, which orbit the earth or are sent out to other planets in the solar system. These computer simulations and measurements produce large amounts of data, called data sets, typically in the form of numbers. As the power of computers has more complex and more accurate models that produce larger and larger data sets, which have to be visualized. Therefore, scientific visualization has become necessary for scientists and engi-neers, in order to obtain insight in the results of their models and measurements. Images are much better suited for processing by the human visual system, hence the well-known proverb "One picture says more than a thousand words" (or numbers in this case).

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BibTex references

@PhdThesis { SA99a,
  author       = "Sadarjoen, Ari",
  title        = "Extraction and Visualization of Geometries in Fluid Flow Fields",
  school       = "Delft University of Technology",
  month        = "April",
  year         = "1999",
  note         = "90-6464012-2",
  type         = "phdthesis",
  url          = "http://graphics.tudelft.nl/Publications-new/1999/SA99a"

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