Particle Tracing Algorithms for 3D Curvilinear Grids

Ari Sadarjoen, Theo van Walsum, A.J.S. Hin, Frits H. Post
Particle Tracing Algorithms for 3D Curvilinear Grids - 1997
Download the publication : SWHP97.pdf [520Ko]  
This paper presents a comparison of several particle tracing algorithms on curvilinear grids. The fundamentals of particle tracing algorithms are described and used to split tracing algorithms into basic components. Based on this decomposition, two different strategies for particle tracing are described in greater detail: tracing in computational space and tracing in physical space. Accuracy and speed tests are performed for both types of algorithms. From these tests it is concluded that particle tracing algorithms in physical space generally perform better than algorithms in computational space.

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BibTex references

@InProceedings { SWHP97,
  author       = "Sadarjoen, Ari and Walsum, Theo van and Hin, A.J.S. and Post, Frits H.",
  title        = "Particle Tracing Algorithms for 3D Curvilinear Grids",
  booktitle    = "Particle Tracing Algorithms for 3D Curvilinear Grids",
  year         = "1997",
  note         = "299--323",
  url          = ""

Other publications in the database

» Ari Sadarjoen
» Theo van Walsum
» A.J.S. Hin
» Frits H. Post
