Geometric Icons for Flow Visualization

W.C. de Leeuw
Advances in Computer-Aided Engineering, CAD/CAM Research at Delft University of Technology, Delft University Press - 1994

BibTex references

@InCollection { LE94a,
  author       = "Leeuw, W.C. de",
  title        = "Geometric Icons for Flow Visualization",
  booktitle    = "Advances in Computer-Aided Engineering, CAD/CAM Research at Delft University of Technology",
  year         = "1994",
  publisher    = "Delft University Press",
  note         = "Report of the VF-Project CAD/CAM 1989-1994",
  type         = "incollection",
  url          = ""

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» W.C. de Leeuw
