A cellular approach for feature-based modelling

Abel Gomes, Rafael Bidarra, J. Teixeira
Springer-Verlag, page 128--143 - 1993

BibTex references

@InBook { GBT93,
  author       = "Gomes, Abel and Bidarra, Rafael and Teixeira, J.",
  title        = "A cellular approach for feature-based modelling",
  series       = "Graphics Modelling and Visualization in Science and Technology",
  pages        = "128--143",
  year         = "1993",
  publisher    = "Springer-Verlag",
  address      = "Editors: Goebel, Martin and Teixeira, Jose",
  url          = "http://graphics.tudelft.nl/Publications-new/1993/GBT93"

Other publications in the database

» Rafael Bidarra
» J. Teixeira
