TU Delft

 Erik Jansen

 Professor Computer Science
 Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science

From June 1989 till May 2012, I was chair for the section Computer Graphics and CAD/CAM, now the section Computer Graphics & Visualization, Department of Intelligent Systems. Main research topics within my section were geometric modeling and visualization. My personal interests were in rendering. I started with ray tracing and radiosity, then moved on to parallel rendering, augmented reality and image-based rendering. See the projects below under Research. I have taught courses on 3D Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality. I have also lectured a few times at the TU Clausthal. Since end of 2016 I am retired from TU Delft.

From 2010 - 2020 I was coordinator for the EIT Digital Master School. This master programme offers international students a two year master programme in IT innovation and entrepreneurship. See: https://masterschool.eitdigital.eu/ The master school, a partnership of 20 European Universities, is part of the education activities of EIT Digital (formerly also known as ICT Labs), a Knowledge and Innovation Community of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT). The aim of EIT Digital is to promote knowledge transfer between university and companies, and to raise a new generation of entrepreneurial IT engineers. For the EIT Digital Master school, I was lead for the HCID major programme and coordinator for the Summer program consisting of up to 15 summer schools in different places in Europe. Each summer school was a two week event featuring an entrepreneurial student project for a company. See https://summerschool.eitdigital.eu/

From 2001 - 2005 I was director of study for the master programme Technical Informatics. During that period the bachelor-master system was introduced and we started also with a new bachelor track and master Media and Knowledge Engineering (MKE) which shared the programming and algorithmic part with the regular curriculum but had in addition courses and projects on user interfaces, computer graphics, image processing, multi-modal interaction and knowledge engineering. We also introduced project work.

To improve the success rate for students we started a project for developing an e-learning system for Linear Algebra. The system is built on top of Mathematica and allows students to train their skills by specifying subsequent operations on an equation. Within the SURF-project "Intelligent Feedback" we developed a strategy language and parser that is able to track the students and to give feedback. See also LA-system

Acquisition and rendering of 3D paintings (Ewald Snel and Wouter Pasman)
The aim of the project was to develop image-based acquisition and rendering techniques for displaying paintings with their full 3D reflection properties. The reflection characteristics of paintings, described by an SBRDF based on the Lafortune model, are determined from a set of pictures of the painting taken under controlled light conditions and viewing angles. The SBRDF is then implemented on the graphics card and the resulting realtime rendering gives a perceptually convincing reconstruction of the painting under arbitrary viewing angles and light conditions. This project was carried out as MSc-thesis project in cooperation with ICN (Institute Collection Netherland). We have the intention to make this application also available to the Vermeer Centrum Delft.

Discrete Surface Model (Eddy Loke)
Discretized Marching Cubes (DMC) is a standard method in computer graphics and visualization for constructing 3D surfaces in data represented on a regular voxel grid. After thresholding, it builds high-resolution surfaces by tiling surface patches halfway between objects and background in the data. We have developed a background priority version of an existing object priority triangulation algorithm that can describe the configurations of the DMC algorithm. Furthermore we show that with a combined use of background and object priority triangulation within DMC, sharp surfaces can be generated in order to preserve concave and convex object features. The main advantage is the improved geometric models which are extracted. This makes lower approximation errors and lower triangle counts possible. more

Mobile Augmented Reality (Wouter Pasman)
Within the Ubicom project we developed a mobile augmented reality system with guaranteed low latency. Tracking and rendering is done within 20 ms per frame. Complex geometric models are simplified (using a variety of representations such as imposters, meshed imposters and geometric simplifications) and scheduled in realtime. We have developed a model to make a trade-off between model accuracy and rendering speed. A working prototype has been built. more

VR and 3D GIS (Rick Germs)
Within the LWI-project 3D GIS and VR we realized a direct coupling between virtual environments and a 3D GIS system to allow direct manipulation and GIS-queries to be formulated. The interface is based on three viewing and interaction modes: 2D plan view, 3D model view, 3D world view. We also developed occlusion culling algorithms for realtime display of complex urban scenes. more

AI Techniques for Conceptual Design(Date Rentema)
This research is concerned with the early phases of the industrial design process, in particular, the transition from functional specifications to a first functional concept. The approach taken is based on a combination of case-based reasoning, geometric modeling and constraint solving. The developed AIDA system will consist of a number of modules, each performing a different design task. For each task one or more reasoning technique are implemented. The purpose of AIDA is to support the reasoning involved in finding an initial arrangement of components and the generation of feasible functional (performance) and geometrical parameters. AIDA will also supply the first quantification of parameters as a starting point for further numerical optimisation. The system can be applied to the design of complex products such as aircraft, ships, industrial equipment, etc. more

Parallel rendering (Erik Reinhard)
Photo-realistic rendering puts heavy demands on available computing resources both in computation and in memory usage. The memory needed for complex object models (>million polygons, gigabytes of texture data) and for the additional data structures for radiosity (meshes) and diffuse ray tracing (caches) will quickly outgrow the capacity of a standalone computer system. The use of distributed and parallel systems is therefore very attractive. However, the distribution of data over multiple processor memories introduces the problem of bringing the data and processing together. We have developed a hybrid scheduling method that combines a data-parallel approach for non-coherent tasks with a demand-driven approach for the data-coherent tasks. (see also Erik Reinhard).

Photo-realistic rendering (Arjan Kok)
Computation of the global illumination in a scene can be improved by separating the direct component of the lighting, that is received by a patch directly from light sources, from the indirect component that is received by intermediate interreflection from other patches. The indirect component is calculated during the preprocessing and is stored as the radiosity shading at the patch. The direct component is re-calculated during the rendering phase by tracing shadow rays like in conventional ray tracing (this is also known as "final gathering"). The number of shadow rays can be reduced by exploiting shadow coherence, and by making a selection for the number of light sources that are taken into account for the direct lighting computation. Different criteria to select these sources are given. more

Feature modeling (Maarten van Emmerik)
Within this project an interactive modeling system Geonode was developed. Objects are positioned and dimensioned by linking definition points to a geometric tree that defines an hierarchical structure of 3D points (nodes). Furthermore procedural definitions (patterns, etc.) and constraints can be specified. The system offers both a graphics and a text interface that both are kept consistent. The system is highly intuitive.

Spatial subdivision for ray tracing
Within my own PhD project I developed the recursive ray traversal algorithm for bintrees (now also known as BSP ray traversal). Unfortunately I could not proof its performance because of lack of internal memory of the PDP-11/4, the only machine that was available to me at that time. I also developed several CSG classification algorithms for CSG ray tracing and CSG depth buffer algorithms.


Parallel Computing, Special Issue on Parallel Graphics and Visualisation, eds. A. Chalmers, F.W. Jansen, Parallel Computing, Vol. 23 (7):817 - 1004, 1997.

Photorealistic Rendering in Computer Graphics, Proceedings 2nd Eurographics Workshop on Rendering, eds. Brunet, P., Jansen, F.W., Springer Verlag, 1994.

Scientific publications


Loke, RE, Jansen, FW
Maintaining sharp features in surface construction for volumetric objects Short Paper Proceedings WSCG'2007, pp. 103-110. Plzen: University of West Behemia, ISBN 978-80-86943-02-2 pdf


Loke, RE , Jansen, FW, & Buf, JMH du
A background-priority discrete boundary triangulation. In J Jorge & V Skala (Eds.), Short Paper Proceedings WSCG'2006, pp. 53-60. Plzen: University of West Behemia (ISBN 80-86943-05-4) pdf


Oosterom, PJM van, Stoter, JE, Jansen, FW
Bridging the worlds of CAD and GIS. In S Zlatanova, D Prosperi (Eds.), Large-scale 3D data integration: challenges and opportunities (pp. 9-36). Boca Raton (FL), USA: CRC Press - Taylor & Francis Group (ISBN 0-8493-9898-3).


Pasman, W, Jansen, FW
Comparing simplification and image-based techniques for 3D client-server rendering systems. IEEE Transactions on visualization and computer graphics, (ISSN 1077-2626), 9(2), 226-240.


Pasman, W., F.W. Jansen
Scheduling level of detail with guaranteed quality and cost. In: M.G. Wagner, K.S. Candan, M.T. Beitler (eds.), Proceedings Web3D 2002 Symposium, Seventh International Conference on 3D Web Technology, Tempe, USA, February 24-28, 2002, ACM Press, New York, p. 43-51.


Germs, H.M.L., F.W. Jansen
Geometric simplification for efficient occlusion culling in urban scenes. In: V. Skala (ed.), Proceedings WSCG '2001, Ninth International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision, Vol. 1, Plzen, February 5-9, 2001, p. 291-298.pdf

Pasman, W., F.W. Jansen
Distributed low-latency rendering for mobile AR. In: D.C. Young (ed.), ISAR 2001 - Proceedings IEEE and ACM International Symposium on Augmented Realty, New York, October 29-31, 2001, IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, 2001, p. 107-113.

Pasman, W., S. Persa, F.W. Jansen
Realistic low-latency mobile AR rendering. In: Proceedings VAA'01 - Virtual and Augmented Architecture, Dublin, June 21-22, 2001, Springer, New York, 2001, p. 81-92.

Soudzilovskaia, N., R. Bidarra, F.W. Jansen
Spatial reasoning in a multi-modal user guide for a complex machine. In: V. Giagourta, M. Strintzis (eds.), Proceedings EUROIMAGE ICAV3D 2001, International Conference on Augmented Virtual Environments and Three-dimensional Imaging, Mykonos, May 30-June 1, 2001, ZITI Publishing, Thessaloniki, 2001, p. 279-282.


Rombouts, J.P., F.W. Jansen, J.A.M. Remmerswaal
Early assessment of environmental product profile applying case-based reasoning on material, energy and component characteristics. In: Proceedings Methodologies for Decision Making in a Sustainable 21st century, Fourth International Conference on EcoBalance, Tsukuba, Japan, October 31- November 2, 2000, p. 71-74.


Germs, H.M.L., G. van Maren, E. Verbree, F.W. Jansen
A multi-view VR interface for 3D GIS.
Computers & Graphics, 23, 4, 1999, p. 497-506.

Verbree, E., G. van Maren, H.M.L. Germs, F.W. Jansen, M.J. Kraak
Interaction in virtual world views-linking 3D GIS with VR.
International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 13, 4, 1999, p. 385-396.

Pasman, W., A. van der Schaaf, R.L. Lagendijk, F.W. Jansen
Low latency rendering and positioning for mobile augmented reality. In: B. Girod, H. Niemann, H.P. Seidel (eds.), Proceedings Vision Modeling and Visualization '99, Erlangen, November 17-19, 1999, Infix, Sankt Augustin, 1999, p. 309-315.

Reinhard, E., A. Chalmers, F.W. Jansen
Hybrid scheduling for parallel rendering using coherent ray tasks. In: S.N. Spencer (ed.), Proceedings 1999 IEEE Parallel Visualization and Graphics Symposium, San Francisco, October 25-26, 1999, ACM, New York, 1999, p. 21-28. pdf

Erik Reinhard, Alan Chalmers and Frederik W. Jansen. Hybrid Scheduling for Realistic Image Synthesis. In: Parallel Computing, Fundamentals and Applications (Proceedings of the International Conference ParCo99, E. H. D'Hollander, G. R. Joubert, F. J. Peters and H. J. Sips, editors, pages 217--224. Imperial College Press, August 1999. pdf


Jansen, F.W., E. Reinhard
Data locality in parallel rendering. In: K. Bouatouch, A.G. Chalmers, Th. Priol (eds.), Proceedings of the Second Eurographics Workshop on Parallel Graphics and Visualisation, Rennes, September 24-25, 1998, IRISA/INRIA, Rennes, 1998, p. 1-15.pdf

van Maren, G., H.M.L. Germs, F.W. Jansen
Integrating 3D-GIS and virtual reality: design and implementation of the Karma VI system. In: P. Firns (ed.), Proceedings of the Tenth Annual Colloquium of the Spatial Information Research Centre, Dunedin, New Zealand, November 16-19, 1998, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand, 1998, p. 343-352.

Reinhard, E., A.G. Chalmers, F.W. Jansen
Overview of parallel photo-realistic graphics. In: A. De Sousa, B. Hopgood (eds.), State-of-the-Art Reports, Eurographics Conference '98, Lissabon, September 2-4, 1998, Lissabon, 1998, p. 1-25.pdf

Rentema, D.W.E., F.W. Jansen, E. Torenbeek
The application of AI and geometric modelling techniques in conceptual aircraft design. In: Proceedings 7th AIAA/USAF/NASA/ISSMO Symposium on Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization, St. Louis, MO, USA, September 2-4, 1998, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Reston, VA, USA, 1998, p. 928-935.

Verbree, E., L.D. Verzijl, G. van Maren, F.W. Jansen, M.J. Kraak
Interaction in virtual world views - Linking 3D GIS with VR. In: CD-ROM Proceedings of the 26th Annual Conference of Aurisa, Perth, Australia, November 23-27, 1998, Perth, Australia, 1998, p. 343-352.


Rentema, D.W.E., Jansen, F.W., Netten, B.D., Vingerhoeds, R.A., An AI-Based Support Tool for the Conceptual Design of Aircraft, Computer Aided Conceptual Design T97, Lancaster, 14-15 april 1997, Proceedings of the 1997 Lancaster Workshop on Engineering Design CACD'97, Bradshaw, A., Counsell, J. (eds.), Lancaster, 1977, Lancaster University Engineering Centre, Lancaster, ISBN 1-86220-026-2, 47 - 56.


E. Reinhard, F.W. Jansen, Rendering Large Scenes Using Parallel Ray Tracing, Proceedings First Eurographics Workshop on Parallel Graphics and Visualisation, 26-27 September 1996, eds. A. Chalmers, E. Jansen, Alpha Books, Bristol, ISBN 1-897851-09X, pp. 67-80. Also in: Special Issue on Parallel Graphics and Visualisation, eds. A. Chalmers, F.W. Jansen, Parallel Computing, Vol. 23 (7):873-885, 1997.

E. Reinhard, A.J.F. Kok, F.W. Jansen, Cost Prediction in Ray Tracing, Rendering Techniques'96, Proceedings of the Eurographics Workshop on Rendering, Porto, June 17-19, 1996, eds. X. Pueyo, P. Schroeder, Springer Verlag, Wenen, 1996, ISBN 3-211-82883-4, pp. 41-50.pdf

Rentema, D.W.E., R.A. Vingerhoeds, B.D. Netten, F.W. Jansen
The development of a support tool for the first phases of aircraft design. In: G. Verfaillie (ed.), Proceedings ICTAI 96 Workshop Artificial Intelligence for Aeronautics and Space, Toulouse, November 16-19, 1996, ONERA-CERT, Toulouse, 1996, p. 91-97.


W. van Holland, W.F. Bronsvoort, F.W. Jansen, Feature modelling for assembly. In: Graphics and Robotics, W. Straszer, F. Wahl (eds), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp 131-148, 1995.

M. van der Zwaan, E. Reinhard, F.W. Jansen, Pyramid clipping for efficient ray traversal, Proceedings EG Workshop on Rendering, In: Rendering Techniques'95, Springer Vienna, 1-10, 1995.

E. Reinhard, F.W. Jansen (1995), Hybrid Scheduling for Efficient Ray Tracing of Complex Images, Proceedings of the International Workshop of High Performance Computing for Computer Graphics and Visualisation, Springer Verlag, 1995, p. 78-87.


Bronsvoort, W.F., F.W. Jansen, Multi-view feature modelling for design and assembly, In: Advances in Feature Based Manufacturing, J.J. Shah, M. Mantyla, D.S. Nau (eds.), Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, 1994, pp 315-330.

Kok, A.J.F., Jansen, F.W., Ray Tracing and Radiosity Algorithms for Photorealistic Image Synthesis, Advances in Computer-Aided Engineering, Delft University Press, 1994, 225-232.

Reinhard, E., Tijssen, L.U., Jansen, F.W., Environment Mapping for Efficient Sampling of the Diffuse Interreflection, Proc. 5th Europgraphics Workshop on Rendering, Eurographics Technical Report, 1994, p. 401-414.


Bronsvoort, W. F., Jansen, F.W., Feature Modelling and Conversion - Key Concepts to Concurrent Engineering. Computers in Industry 21(1993)1: 61-86

Jansen, F.W., Chalmers, A., Realism in Real Time?, Proceedings 4th EG Rendering Workshop, EG Technical Report, 1993, pp. 27-46.pdf

Kok, A.J.F., Jansen, F.W., Woodward, C., Efficient Complete Radiosity Ray Tracing Using a Shadow-Coherence Method, The Visual Computer 10(1):19-33, 1993.


Jansen, F.W., Kok, A.J.F., Verelst, T., Hardware Challenges for Ray Tracing and Radiosity Algorithms. Seventh Workshop on Graphics Hardware, Cambridge England, September 1992, EG Technical Report 1992, pp. 123-134.

Kok, A.J.F., Jansen, F.W., Source Selection for the Direct Lighting Computation in Global Illumination, 2nd Eurographics Workshop on Rendering. In: Photorealistic Rendering in Computer Graphics, Springer Verlag, 1994, 75-82.

Kok, A.J.F., Jansen, F.W., Adaptive Sampling of Area Light Sources in Ray Tracing Including Diffuse Interreflection. Proceedings Eurographics '92 Conference, in: Computer Graphics Forum 11(1992)3: 289-298.


Bronsvoort, W.F., Jansen, F.W., Post, F.H., Design and Display of Solid Models. In: Garcia, G., Herman, I. (Eds.): Advances in Computer Graphics VI, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1991, ISBN 3-540-53455-5, pp. 1-57.

Jansen, F.W., Depth-Order Point Classification Techniques for CSG Display Algorithms. ACM Transactions on Graphics 10(1991)1: 40-70.

Jansen, F.W., Zalm, A.N.T. van der, Shadow Algorithm for CSG. Computers and Graphics 15(1991)2: 237-247.

Walsum, T. van, Nieuwenhuizen, P.N. van, Jansen, F.W., Refinement Criteria for Adaptive Stochastic Ray Tracing of Textures. Proceedings Eurographics'91, Elseviers Science Publishers, pp. 155-166.


Jansen, F.W. en Zalm, A.N.T. van der, A Shadow Algorithm for CSG, Proceedings Eurographics'90, Elsevier Science Publishers, 1990, pp. 51-61.


Emmerik, M.J.G.M. van, Jansen, F.W., User Interface for Feature Modeling, CAPE'89 Conference, Tokyo.

Epstein, D., Jansen, F.W., Rossignac, J.R., Z-buffer Rendering from CSG: the Trickle Algorithm, IBM Research report RC 15182 (#67629), Yorktown Heights NY, 1989.


Jansen, F.W., A Multi-Processor Workstation with a Logic-enhanced Distributed Frame Buffer, Advances in Computer Graphics Hardware II, Eurographics Seminars, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1988, pp. 229-238.


Jansen, F.W., Solid Modelling with Faceted Primitives, Delft University Press, Delft, 1987.

Jansen, F.W., Sutherland, R.J., Display of Solid Models with a Multi-Processor System, Proceedings Eurographics'87, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1987, pp. 377-387.

Jansen, F.W., CSG Hidden-surface Algorithms for VLSI Hardware Systems, Advances in Graphics Hardware I, Strasser,W. (ed), Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1987, pp. 75-82.


Jansen, F.W., A Pixel-Parallel Hidden Surface Algorithm for Constructive Solid Geometry, Proceedings Eurographics '86, Requicha, A.A.G. (ed), North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1986, pp. 29-40.

Jansen, F.W., Data Structures for Ray Tracing, Data structures for Raster Graphics, Proceedings workshop, Kessener, L.R.A., F.J. Peters and M.L.P. van Lierop (eds), Eurographics Seminars, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1986, pp. 57-73.


Jansen, F.W., A CSG List Priority Hidden Surface Algorithm, Proceedings Eurographics '85, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1985, pp. 51-62.

Tamminen, M., Jansen, F.W., An Integrity Filter for Recursive Subdivision Meshes, Computers and Graphics 9(4), 1985, pp. 351-363.

Wijk, J.J. van, F.W. Jansen and W.F. Bronsvoort, Some Issues in Designing User Interfaces to 3D Raster Graphics, Computer Graphics Forum 4(1), 1985, pp. 5-10.


Bronsvoort, W.F., Wijk, J.J. van, Jansen, F.W, Two Methods for Improving the Efficiency of Ray Casting in Solid Modelling, Computer-Aided Design 16(1), 1984, pp. 51-55.


Jansen, F.W., Wijk, J.J. van, Previewing Techniques in Raster Graphics, Proceedings Eurographics 1983, also in: Computers and Graphics, 8(2), 1984, pp. 149-161.

Curriculum vitae

Frederik Willem Jansen
* Born October 21, 1950, Amsterdam
* HBS-B degree (secondary school), Hilversum, 1968
* P1 degree, Mechanical Engineering, Delft University of Technology, 1969
* MSc degree (cum laude), Industrial Design Engineering, Delft University of Technology, 1975
Het ontwikkelen van vormreeksen met de computer (Shape development with B-splines)
* Industrial designer, Inventum, Bilthoven, 1976
* Assistant professor Design Techniques, Dept. of Industrial Design, Delft Univ. of T., 1979
* Associate professor, Design Techniques and CAD/CAM, Dept. of Industrial Design, DUT, 1986
* PhD-thesis, Solid Modeling with Faceted Primitives, 1987
* Visiting researcher IBM Watson Research Center, Hawthorne, 1988 - 1989
* Full professor of Computer Graphics and CAD/CAM at Delft University of Technology, 1989
* Gunther Enderle Award, best paper Eurographics Conference, 1990
* Director of Studies Informatics, 2001 - 2005
* Education coordinator EIT Digital Master School, 2010 - 2020

Professional activities

* Member editorial board of Computers and Graphics, 1990 - 2002
* International Programme Committees of Eurographics conferences, 1990-1993
* Programme Committee ACM/IEEE Solid Modeling Symposium 1991
* Co-chair Eurographics Workshop on Rendering, Barcelona, 1991
* Programme Committees Eurographics Workshop on Rendering 1991 - 1998
* Invited presentation EG Workshop on Rendering, Paris, 1993
* Co-chair Eurographics Workshop on Parallel Graphics and Visualisation, Bristol, 1996
* Programme Committee ACM/IEEE Parallel Rendering Symposium, 1997
* Programme Committee Computer Graphics International, 1997
* Guest editor Special Issue on Parallel Graphics and Visualisation of journal Parallel Computing, 1997
* Programme Committee Eurographics Workshop on Parallel Graphics and Visualisation, 1998, 2000, 2002
* Invited presentation PGV, Rennes, 1998
* Programme Committee International Conference on Visual Computing, Goa, India, 1999
* Programme Committee IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 2000
* Programme Committee WSCG Int. Conf. on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Interactive Digital Media 2000 -
* Programme Committee GRAPP International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications 2005 -


* Jack van Wijk, On new types of solid models and their visualization with ray tracing (1986), co-advisor with Wim Bronsvoort, prom. prof. Denis McConalogue
* Maarten van Emmerik, Interactive design of parametrized 3D models by direct manipulation (1990), co-promotor prof. Denis Mc Conalogue, co-adv. Wim Bronsvoort
* Edwin Boender, Finite element mesh generation from CSG models (1992), prom. prof. Denis McConalogue, adv. Wim Bronsvoort
* Reinier van Kleij, Display of solid models with quadratic surfaces (1993), co-promotor prof. Denis McConalogue, co-adv. Wim Bronsvoort
* Arjan Kok, Ray tracing and radiosity algorithms for photorealistic image synthesis (1994)
* Andrea Hin, Visualization of turbulent flow (1994), co-prom. Frits Post
* Theo van Walsum, Selective visualization on curvilinear grids (1995), co-prom. Frits Post
* Winfried van Holland, Assembly features in modelling and planning (1997), co-prom. Wim Bronsvoort
* Wim de Leeuw, Presentation and exploration of flow data (1997), co-prom. Frits Post
* Maurice Dohmen, Constraint-based feature validation (1998), co-prom. Wim Bronsvoort
* Klaas Jan de Kraker, Feature conversion for concurrent engineering (1998), co-prom. Wim Bronsvoort
* Rafael Bidarra, Validity maintenance in semantic feature modeling (1999), co-prom. Wim Bronsvoort
* Ari Sadarjoen, Extraction and visualization of geometries in fluid flow fields (1999), co-prom. Frits Post
* Erik Reinhard, Hybrid scheduling for parallel ray tracing (1994-1996)- PhD in Bristol (1999)
* Freek Reinders, Feature-based visualization of time-dependent data (2001), co-prom. Frits Post
* Alex Noort, Multiple-view feature modelling with model adjustment (2002), co-prom. Wim Bronsvoort
* Michal Koutek, Scientific visualization in virtual reality: interaction techniques and application development (2003), co-prom. Frits Post
* Martijn Schuemie, Human-computer interaction and presence in virtual reality exposure therapy (2003), co-prom. Charles van der Mast
* Paul de Bruin, Accurate and high-quality surface mesh extraction from medical data (2004), co-prom. Frits Post
* Date Rentema, AIDA: Artificial intelligence supported conceptual design of aircraft (2004), co-prom. prof. Egbert Torenbeek
* Charl Botha, Techniques and software architectures for medical visualisation and image processing (2005), co-prom. Frits Post
* Eddy Loke, Progressive visualization of incomplete sonar-data sets (2006), co-prom. prof. Hans du Buf
* Benjamin Vrolijk, Interactive visualisation techniques for large time-dependent data sets (2007), co-prom. Frits Post
* Eelco van den Berg, Freeform feature modelling and validity maintenance (2007), co-prom. Wim Bronsvoort
* Rick van der Meiden, Semantics of Families of Objects (2008), co-prom. Wim Bronsvoort
* Gerwin de Haan, Techniques and Architectures for 3D interaction, (2009), co-prom. Frits Post
* Eric Griffith, Visualizing Cumulus Clouds in Virtual Reality (2010), co-prom. Frits Post
* Jorik Blaas, Visual Analysis of Multi-Field Data (2010), co-prom. Frits Post
* Matthijs Sypkens Smit, Efficient Remeshing and Analysis Views for integration of Design and Analysis (2011), co-prom. Wim Bronsvoort
* Lingxiao Zhao, Curvature Lines for Lesion Detection and Visualization in CT Colonography (2011), co-prom. Charl Botha
* Ruben Smelik, A Declarative Approach to Procedural Modelling of Virtual Worlds (2011), co-prom. Rafa Bidarra
* Jacco Bikker, Ray Tracing in Real-Time Games (2012)
* Tim Tutenel, Semantic Game Worlds (2012), co-promotor Rafa Bidarra
* Peter Kok , Integrative Visualization of Whole Body Molecular Imaging Data (2014), co-prom. Boudewijn Lelieveldt, Charl Botha
* Stef Busking, Visualization of Variation and Variability (2014), co-prom. Charl Botha

Personal Information

I was born on the 21st of October 1950, in Amsterdam. I grew up in Loosdrecht, went to secondary school in Hilversum, and studied Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Design at the TU Delft. I worked a few years in industry as designer and then returned to TU Delft to do research on Computer Graphics and CAD/CAM.

I am married with Els Fellinger, who worked 25 years for division 5 of LUMC and is now volunteer with Jansland and Museum Voorschoten.
During our holidays we do a lot of hiking. Favorite places are the Valley of the Warche and the Hautes Fagnes (Malmedy, Belgian Ardennes), the Luberon (Provence), and the Quercy (Tarn).

My hobby is singing and playing country-folk guitar. I share a lifelong interest in music with my brother Jan Chris. Our most prominent product is the CD "Nostalgia", 15 songs composed by Jan Chris and arranged by Roland Stolk and sung by Lizanne Hennessey. See also https://myspace.com/jcjansen for a selection of his work.
I also sing in the Voorschotenskamerkoor and organise organ concerts http://laurentiusorgelconcerten.nl/

Another activity is writing about philosophical and political topics. See my contributions to https://www.civismundi.nl/